[Koichi Ito - Google Scholar Citation]
Time changes of customer behavior on accommodation reservation: a case study of Japan
Koichi Ito, Shunsuke Kanemitsu, Ryusuke Kimura, Ryosuke Omori. 2023. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Competition model explains trends of long‐term fertilization in plant communities
Atsushi Yamauchi, Koichi Ito, Shota Shibasaki. 2023. Ecology and Evolution (13-2): e9832.
Continuous irregular dynamics with multiple neutral trajectories permit species coexistence in competitive communities
Atsushi Yamauchi, Koichi Ito, Shota Shibasaki, Toshiyuki Namba. 2023. Theoretical Population Biology (149): 39-47.
Future behaviours decision-making regarding travel avoidance during COVID-19 outbreaks
Koichi Ito, Shunsuke Kanemitsu, Ryusuke Kimura, Ryosuke Omori. 2022. Scientific Reports(12-1): 19780.
Incorporating thermodynamics in predator–prey games predicts the diel foraging patterns of poikilothermic predators
Koichi Ito, Andrew D. Higginson, Graeme D. Ruxton, Yannis P. Papastamatiou. 2021. Journal of Animal Ecology (00): 1-13.
Sterile males and females can synergistically suppress wild pests targeted by sterile insect technique
Yusuke Ikegawa, Koichi Ito, Chihiro Himuro, Atsushi Honma. 2021. Journal of Theoretical Biology (530): 110878.
Colonization process determines species diversity via competitive quasi‐exclusion
Atsushi Yamauchi, Koichi Ito, Shota Shibasaki. 2021. Ecology and Evolution (00): 1-11.
On the importance of evolving phenotype distributions on evolutionary diversification
Gil J. B. Henriques, Koichi Ito, Christoph Hauert, Michael Doebeli. 2021. PLOS Computational Biology (17-2): e1008733 .
Evolution of honest reward signal in flowers
Koichi Ito, Miki F. Suzuki, Ko Mochizuki, 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (288): 20202848.
The joint evolution of cooperation and competition
Koichi Ito, Michael Doebeli, 2019. Journal of Theoretical Biology (480): 1-12.
Optimal foraging by herbivores maintains polymorphism in defence in a natural plant population
Yasuhiro Sato†, Koichi Ito†, Hiroshi Kudoh, 2017. Functional Ecology (31-12): 2233-2243. † equal contribution
The evolution of cooperation by negotiation in a noisy world
Koichi Ito, John McNamara, Atsushi Yamauchi, Andrew Higginson, 2016. Journal of Evolutionary Biology (30-3): 603-615.
Relationship between aggregation of rewards and the possibility of polymorphism in continuous snowdrift games
Koichi Ito, Hisashi Ohtsuki, Atsushi Yamauchi, 2015. Journal of Theoretical Biology (372):47-53.
Theoretical study of evolution of polymorphism in the level of anti-herbivore defense in plants
Koichi Ito, Atsushi Yamauchi, 2011. Journal of Plant Interactions (6):183-184.